Monday 29 September 2014


In the past couple of weeks the trust's Stoptober activities have ramped up a gear in preparation for the start of the campaign this Wednesday. Firstly we held Stoptober awareness raising sessions at Leeds General Infirmary and St James Hospital. People were able to stop by the stall, talk to one of the advisor's or attend a drop in session. 

Maree with Steven and Richard
On the weekend following this, a couple of colleagues and I plus my youngest son headed to Briggate to join in with the Stoptober roadshow. At the roadshow there was two guys (pictured), Steven and Richard, who were great at bringing the crowds over, something to do with their outfits perhaps. We had two big wheels which could be used to show how much money people could save and the health benefits of stopping smoking over different time periods. We have similar wheels ourselves that we show to clients, but not on the same scale.

We got the opportunity to talk to lots of people and let them know what Leeds NHS Stop Smoking Service do, how we can help and how they can access our services. We also signed lots of people up there and then to come to clinics. 

Lots of people had carbon monoxide tests done and the results for some people were quite eye opening. It led them to think about what they were doing to their bodies when they were smoking. Carbon monoxide (CO) is a poisonous gas, it is found in car exhausts and faulty heating systems (when heating systems breakdown), and has the potential to be fatal. CO is also found in cigarettes.
Dot takes a carbon monoxide
reading from Paul. 
It causes the blood to thicken, become sticky and hardens the arteries. It can contribute to strokes and heart attacks, so you can see why a lot of people were concerned after having a reading taken.

As a result of the roadshows and awareness event, I have seen an increase in clients at the Kirkgate Market clinic as a result, which I am delighted about. Most of my clinics are pretty busy at the moment as more and more people prepare to quit in Stoptober.  

Photos of our activities can be found on Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust Facebook page

Maree Diamond
Stop Smoking Advisor 

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