Monday 27 January 2014

Member Monday...focus on men's health

'Kevin's Story'

Kevin has been a member of the trust since November 2012. Here's his story and reasons why he decided to become a member...

"I have always been interested in maintaining my health, and that of my family. Over the years I have tried to lead a healthy lifestyle (at some periods with more success than at others!) and am currently being treated for a couple of long-term (but not life-threatening) 'disorders'.

I believe that it is important to take responsibility for your own health rather than abdicating responsibility to others, but to be able to do that you need information and guidance. My scientific background has convinced me that any actions I, or others, take on maintaining my health should be based on sound science and should not be influenced by commercial or political considerations. Now I am semi-retired, I have the time available to become more active in pursuing these interests, and that is why I joined the LCH Trust.

I am also particularly attracted by the LCH emphasis on prevention - it is far better (and cheaper) to prevent an illness occurring than to treat it once it has appeared, and I don't think that the NHS in general puts enough resource into prevention. My self-appointed task within the trust will be to ensure that all the campaigns and advice that are promulgated by the Trust are based on sound science (as I am sure the vast majority will be). I will also been keen to encourage the Trust to make sure that the latest treatment or prevention therapies discovered are quickly incorporated into current advice.

With regard to men's health particularly, I think that prostate health is a major, and complex, issue - new information is becoming available all the time. It is important that we (and medical people) keep up-to-date with these discoveries.

Another issue, which is not just related to men's health (although men are worse at this than women), is that of regular health monitoring. Catching "disorders" in the early stages can have a dramatic effect on the eventual outcome, so it important to monitor your health on a regular basis - when you get a reminder from your medical practice that a check up is due, act on it, don't bin it. You service your car......

I am looking forward to working with the LCH to improve the long-term health of Leeds over the coming years."

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