The offers support to families and communities who may be in need of help in a range of areas. The service works predominately with families and children aged between 0-10 years old.
The service has recently organised an event aimed at bringing families involved in the service together to gain feedback about the support they have been receiving. As the core work completed within the team is focused around improving the home situation for children, it was very important to ensure the voice of the child was captured within the event. To ensure this took place, members of the team put their creative minds together to think about how to best achieve this. The outcome was well received by all – pirate theme.
Children were invited to make and decorate their own pirate hat, to create wall mounted collages to take home, visit the balloon station where hats, animals, swords and fishing rods were in high demand. Last but not least was the face painting area where children went to transform themselves into an animal of choice. It was great to see everyone enjoying themselves and meeting new people.
Mixed in among all of the fun and activities, were the feedback tables. To ensure anonymity within responses, colour coded stickers were provided that were linked with certain questions. The aims and objectives were to try and grasp the children’s perspectives of changes that have come about since working with the service and how they have affected them. A number of islands were created to represent positive and negative feedback these were called stormy, cloudy and sunny island. Adults were also invited to share their thoughts of the service.
The event was very successful in that lots of feedback was received. The children really enjoyed this aspect of the event and were transported to a land of sand, sea and pirates.